Definition and Benefits of International Relations

Definition and Benefits of International Relations
International Relations: Definition, Means, Benefits, Objectives, Principles, and Patterns
In establishing a relationship not only among individuals, but it can be a group or country that can establish a relationship between countries. On this occasion here will be a complete review of international relations. Therefore, let us consider the review below.

Definition of International Relations
International relations or relations between nations is a human interaction between nations both individually and in groups, which is carried out either directly or indirectly and can be in the form of friendship, dispute, hostility or war.

Understanding International Relations According to Experts
1. Sincere Warsito
According to Tulus Warsito revealed that international relations is a study of the interaction of foreign politics from several corners.

2. Drs. R. Soeprapto
According to Soeprapto revealed that international relations is as a specialization that integrates other branches of knowledge that study the international aspects of human social life.

3. Kenneth Watts. Thompson
According to Kenneth revealed that international relations is a study of a rivalry between nations and the conditions and institutions that improve or worsen a rivalry.

4. J.C. Johari
According to Johari, international relations is a study of an interaction which takes place between sovereign states, besides that it is also a study of non-state actors whose behavior has a joint impact on the tasks of the State.

5. Couloumbis and Wolfe
According to Couloumbis and Wolfe revealed that international relations is a systematic study of phenomena that can be observed and try to get a basic variable to explain behavior and reveal a characteristic or type of relationship between social units.

6. Mochtar Mas’oed
According to Mochtar revealed that international relations is a relationship that is very complex because in it there are / involved a nation that each sovereign which thus requires a more complicated mechanism for relations between groups.

7. Jeremy Bentham
According to Jeremy Benham, international relations is a science which is a unified discipline and has a scope and basic concepts.

8. John Lewis Gaddis
According to John Lewis Gaddis revealed that international relations is a field of study that is useful for a statesman in a way to build a better world.

9. Ishaq Rahman
According to Ishaq Rahman stated that international relations is a science that is identified with a relationship between countries.

10. Couloumbis
According to Couloumbis revealed that international relations is a science that studies a pattern of action and reaction between sovereign states in which the behavior of the government elite is an indicator.

The Purpose of International Relations
To spur economic growth in each country
To create mutual understanding between nations in fostering and establishing a peace
To create justice and prosperity for all people in the world
To establish an international relationship between the countries concerned.
To establish a cooperation in the political, economic, social and cultural
To meet the needs of its citizens
To open up opportunities in marketing domestic products abroad
To facilitate an economic relationship between countries.

Benefits of international relations
For , among others are:
The benefits of ideology, namely to maintain and sustain the survival of the nation and state;
Political benefits, namely to support the implementation of political policies and foreign relations dedicated to the national interest, especially for the benefit of development in all fields;
Economic benefits, namely to support efforts to increase national economic development;
Socio-cultural benefits, namely to support efforts to foster and develop the socio-cultural values of the nation in an effort to overcome any forms of threats, challenges, obstacles, disturbances and international crime, in the context of implementing national development;
Benefits of international peace and security, namely to support efforts to maintain and restore international peace, security and stability;
Humanitarian benefits, namely to support efforts to prevent and deal with each form of disaster and the rehabilitation of its consequences;
Another benefit is to improve the role and image of World in international forums and relations between countries and the trust of the international community. "