How to Submit Your Journal Articles?

How to submit your journal articles
How to submit your journal articles
Please send all new articles via the 'Submit article' link to the relevant journal. If you are a new writer, you need to set up an account before submitting your first article. Before submitting your article, please read 'What we are looking for in your article'.
Please ensure that you enter all the necessary information about your article. You will first be asked to choose the type of article for your paper, to enter a title and abstract, and then to choose a few keywords. Please note that, if your article is accepted for publication, we will display this keyword in the published article.
You will then be asked to enter your author information. Please include all authors (if there are less than 10). We recommend that you use the author's full name and ORCID identifier to avoid ambiguity. Note that you can check whether co-authors are already in the journal database by entering the author's email address.
You can also propose references that are liked (and not liked) when submitted. Suggested referees must have appropriate subject expertise and do not have conflicts of interest (please see the ZAMBRUT Journal ethics policy for journals for more information on conflicts of interest). These suggestions will be considered, but the editorial staff and / or Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding the selection of referees.
Any related information that can affect the way paper is handled can be provided in a cover letter. This might include highlighting something very important or important about their research, and information about an earlier version of this paper that is sent to the current journal or to another journal.
You will be asked to provide information about all funders related to your work. It's important that you enter this information because it helps you to meet the requirements of your funders and makes your research easier to find. Please find the Open Funder Registry for your funding agency, and provide the grant number.
You are then required to choose between issuance under a gold open access license or on a subscription basis, to state whether you have reproduced previously published material or not in your shipment, and to confirm that you want the paper you received available. online in 24 hours after receipt.
Finally, before submitting your journal article, you are required to confirm that you have read and understood the IOP ethics policy for the journal, and that your submission complies with the terms.
File upload: to make sending as easy as possible for you, when submitting new articles, we only ask you to upload one PDF file (and any additional relevant data) for your article. The PDF must contain your complete paper, including embedded images and tables. You can upload your article directly from arXiv by entering the arXiv e-print number. Please also submit any permissions that you have obtained at this stage.
If you experience problems submitting your article online, please contact the journal for assistance.
Please note, ZAMBRUT journal does not charge you to submit articles. If there are publication costs to be paid (for open access, color printing, or page fees), this will be explained to you at the time of delivery, and paid at the time of receipt for publication. \

The files that you need to send during the initial shipment are:
1PDF of the complete paper for review (designated 'Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)'), containing the author's name and institution, as well as pictures and tables embedded in the text. Authors are asked to consider the need for clarity and readability when choosing column types, line spacing, font size, and layout when preparing a PDF, to help reviewers.2 All permissions that you have obtained at this stage.3 Complementary data matches (see below for details about the appropriate file).

We encourage you to submit additional data files with your paper. If you send a video file, most standard file formats are suitable: animated GIF, AVI, MPG, etc. However, we strongly recommend that the video file be sent in an MPEG-4 container, which is coded with H264 codec. Other formats are permitted, but using MPEG-4 will give you the most faithful rendering of your videos in HTML journal articles.
Video files must be up to 10MB each. Exceptions can be made in cases where larger files are very important for the science presented.

Zambrut Publishing considers publishing in our journal articles that:
1 Report original knowledge and add significantly to published research
2 Appeals to the community
3 Scientific accuracy
4 Have strong motivation and goals
5 Has never been published before in peer-reviewed literature
6 Not being considered for publication in a journal or other peer review book available through the library or by purchase
7 Comply with our precast pre-publication policies (see below), and8 Comply with our ethical policies.
It's important for you to consider whether you have enough new results before you start planning and writing a journal to submit to Zambrut journals. Reporting additional steps forward from previous work is usually not enough.
Articles based on a thesis for an advanced degree can be submitted. You must take care to ensure that the article is prepared in a research journal format, which is more concise than is appropriate for the thesis.
Articles that report on work that was originally presented at a conference can be submitted, provided these articles do not appear substantially in the same form in the conference process that is reviewed by peers. Again, you must make sure the research journal format is used. The length of the article must also be in accordance with the content. If in doubt, please ask the relevant journal.
Reports that are not available to the general public are not considered by ZAMBRUT as prior publications. Many journals published by ZAMBRUT consider various types of articles in addition to regular research journals, including special edition articles, topical reviews, comments and replies. However, please check through the journal homepage that your article is an acceptable type of article and appropriate scope before submission.
All articles are judged only on their scientific ability. Consideration without consideration is given to all manuscripts offered for publication, regardless of whether the author requests publication based on open gold access and regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, political philosophy, sexual orientation, age or author's reputation.
We treat all articles sent as confidential until they are published and will only be shared with referees, board members, editors, and ZAMBRUT staff who are directly involved in the peer review of the article. (An exception to this is if it is necessary to share articles with additional external parties to investigate possible violations of ethical policies.)
You should consider the best way to structure your article before you start writing. If you want to use the LaTeX template to format your paper (this is optional, you don't have to do it) then the files are available in zip format and Unz tar format is gzipped here. Your article must follow the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion system, and usually consists of the following sections:

The title must be concise, informative, and meaningful for all journal readers. It should include key terms, to help make it easier to find when people search online. Please avoid using long systemic names and abbreviations, acronyms, or symbols that are not standard or unclear.

List of all names and complete institutions of the author. Authors in all ZAMBRUT journals have the option to enter names in Chinese, Japanese or Korean characters in addition to English names. The name will appear in parentheses after the English name. We recommend that you provide an ORCID identifier for all authors to avoid ambiguity. If the author's current address is different from the address where the work was done, this must be explained in the footnotes. Note: this only applies if you submit to a one-blind review journal. If you are sending to a double-blind journal, please do not include the identifying information of the author in your paper.

When you submit an article, you will be asked to provide several keywords that are relevant to your work. If your article is accepted for publication, we will display these keywords in published articles, and they will be used to index your articles, helping to make them easier to find. When choosing keywords, think about the types of terms you will use when searching for related articles online.

Your abstract should give the reader a brief summary of your article. It should briefly describe the contents of your article, and include key terms (especially in the first two sentences, to improve search engine finding). It must be informative, accessible and not only show the general purpose and scope of the article, but also state the methodology used, the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. The abstract must be complete in itself; It cannot contain unspecified acronyms / abbreviations and no table numbers, image numbers, references or equations that must be referenced. This must be appropriate to be included directly in the abstract service and usually should not be more than 300 words. Some journals ask for abstracts to follow certain structures. Check the instructions for the particular journal to see if you need to submit a structured abstract.

It should be brief and describe the nature of the problem being investigated and its background. It must also organize your work in the context of previous research, citing relevant references. Introductions should be extended with very specific terms and abbreviations used in the article to make it accessible to readers.

This section must provide sufficient detail from experiments, simulations, statistical tests or analyzes conducted to produce results such that the method can be repeated by other researchers and the results reproduced.

The results section should detail your main findings and research findings. You should use tables only to increase brevity or when information cannot be satisfactorily provided in other ways such as histograms or graphs. Tables must be numbered and referred to in the text with numbers (table 1, etc.). Each table must have an explanation title that must be as level as possible.

It should discuss the importance of the results and compare them with previous work using relevant references.

This section should be used to highlight the novelty and significance of the work, and any plans for relevant work in the future.

Thank-you note
All authors and co-authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest when submitting articles (eg work, consulting fees, research contracts, share ownership, patent licenses, honorariums, advisory affiliations, etc.). This information must be included in the thank-you section at the end of the paper (before the reference section). All sources of financial support for the project must also be disclosed in the thank-you section. The name of the funding agency and grant number must be given, for example: This work is partly funded by Universitas Negeri Indonesia. When filling out the online submission form, we also ask you to select a funder and provide a grant number to help you meet the requirements of your funder.