Understanding Human Rights According to Experts

Understanding Human Rights According to Experts
The understanding according to several experts including:

1. According to Kevin Boyle and David Beetham
Human rights and fundamental freedoms are individual rights that stem from human needs and capacities.

2. According to Miriam Budiarjo
Human rights are rights possessed by every person who is brought from birth to the world, the rights are universal because they are owned without differences in gender, race, culture, ethnicity, religion and so on.

3. According to Oemar Seno Adji
Human rights are rights inherent in every human dignity as a human being from the creation of God Almighty whose nature must not be violated by anyone "other human beings / groups".

4. According to Prof. Koentjoro Poerbopranoto
Human rights are rights that are fundamental or fundamental, rights possessed by every human being based on their nature which basically cannot be separated so that it is sacred.

5. According to Law No. 39 of 1999
Human rights are a set of rights inherent in human beings as creatures of God Almighty, where those rights are gifts that must be protected and respected by every human in order to protect the dignity and dignity of every human being.

6. According to G.J Wolhos
Human rights are a number of rights that have been embedded and rooted in every human being in the world and these rights must not be eliminated, because eliminating other people's human rights is the same as eliminating the degree of humanity.

7. According to C. de Rover
Human rights are the same legal rights to every human being whether rich or poor, male or female. Even though their rights have been violated, their human rights cannot be denied. Human rights are laws that must be protected from national rules so that all are fulfilled so that human rights can be upheld, upheld and protected.

8. According to Leah Kevin
According to him the conception of human rights has two basic meanings, namely:
The first is that basic and inseparable rights belong to a person simply because he is a human being. Those rights are moral rights which come from their existence as human beings from every human being. The second of human rights is legal rights, both internationally and nationally.

9. According to Miriam Budiardjo
Miriam Budiardjo limits the understanding of human rights as rights that humans have acquired and brought along with their birth or presence in society.

10. According to (Kaelan: 2002)
Human rights are basic rights possessed by humans, in accordance with their nature

11. In the opinion of Jan Materson (from the UN human rights commission)
in Teaching Human Rights, the United Nations as quoted by Baharuddin Lopa emphasized that human rights are rights inherent in every human being, without which it is impossible for humans to live as humans.

12. According to Prof. Mr. Koentjoro Peorbapranoto
Human Rights: rights that are human in nature, meaning that rights possessed by humans are devoted to their nature and cannot be separated from their nature, so they are sacred.

13. According to Law No. 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Courts
Human Rights: a set of rights inherent in human nature and human existence as creatures created by God and is a gift that must be respected, upheld and protected by the state, law, government and everyone for the honor and protection of human dignity.

14. According to Wikipedia
Ham are the rights that a person has had since they were in the womb.

15. According to the KBBI
Ham is an internationally protected right "namely the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights" such as the right to life, the right to independence, the right to own, the right to express opinions.

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16. According to Muladi
Human Rights Are all basic rights or basic inherent in humans in their lives.

17. According to Haar Tilar
Human rights are rights inherent in every human being and without having these rights, every human being cannot live like a human. This right was obtained from birth into the world.

18. According to Austin-Ranney
Human rights are freedom spaces for every individual which are formulated in detail and clearly in the constitution and have been guaranteed by the government.

19. According to Karel Vasak
Human rights are classified from three generations inspired by three themes in the French Revolution, namely the first generation: "Liberte" Political and Civil Rights, the second generation, "Egalite" Social, Economic and Cultural Rights and the Third Generation, "Fraternite" Solidarity.

The three generations need to be understood as one, complementary and interrelated. Vasak uses the term "generation" to refer to the scope and substance of rights which are prioritized over a period of time.

20. According to Jack Donney
Human rights are rights possessed by humans solely because he is a human. Humanity has it not because it is given to it by society or refers to positive law, but it is based on the existence of dignity as a human being and that right is a gift from God.

21. According to Mahfudz M.D
Human rights are rights inherent in the dignity of every human being where those rights are brought from birth to the world so that the rights are inherently natural.

22. According to A.J.M Milne
Human rights is a right that has been owned by all human beings in the world, in all periods, and also in all places because the priority of its existence is as a human being.

23. According to SHAW
Human rights is that if the public discourse of the global community in a peaceful period can be said to have a common moral language, it is a human right. Despite this strong claim was made by the existence of human rights doctrine in order to continue to bring up attitude
debate and skepticism about the nature, content and justification of human rights to the present day. Indeed the question of what is meant by "rights" has controversy and is still a continuing philosophical debate.

24. According to John Locke
Human rights are rights directly given by God to humans as natural rights. Therefore there is no power in the world that can uproot it. Human rights are fundamental "fundamental" to human life and in essence are very sacred.

25. According to Peter R. Baehr
Human rights are absolute basic rights and must be owned by every human being for their development.

26. According to Franz Magnis Suseno
Human rights are rights that are already possessed by every human being and not because they are obtained from "other human" societies, not because of positive laws that apply, but for their dignity as a human being, humans have human rights because they are human beings.

27. According to Komnas HAM
Human rights cover all fields of human life whether political, economic, civil, social and cultural. The five cannot be separated from each other. Political and civil rights have no meaning if the people still have to struggle with suffering and poverty.
But on the other hand, the problem of poverty security and other reasons, can not be used consciously to violate human rights and political and social freedom of the community. Human rights do not
support individualism, but block it by protecting individuals, groups and groups, amidst the violence of modern life. Human rights are a sign of real solidarity of a nation with weak citizens.

28. According to Thomas Jefferson
Human Rights Are Human Freedom Not Given By The State. This Freedom Comes From God That Is Cling To The Existence Of Individual Humans.

29. According to Rhoda E. Howard
Human Rights or Human Rights as Egilater Tool to Give Membership to All Persons in a Collective Unity.

30. According to the MPR-RI Number XVII / MPR / 1998
Human rights are basic rights inherent in human beings that are natural, universal and eternal as a gift from God Almighty that serves to ensure the survival, independence, development of human beings and society that must not be contested and ignored by anyone.