Characteristics and Factors of Multicultural Communities

Characteristics and Factors of Multicultural Communities
Has a structure that is divided into non-complementary institutions. In a multicultural society not only have formal institutions that must be obeyed, but they also have informal (non-complementary) institutions that must be obeyed. In other words, they are more obedient and respectful to these non-complementary institutions because they are led by traditional leaders who are emotionally closer.
Lack of developing consensus among members of basic values. Multicultural society with a variety of races, ethnicities, and religions causes different perceptions, experiences, habits, and knowledge will cause
the difficulty of getting agreement on the values and norms that are the basis of their footing. In short, this society is difficult to unite because of the differences they hold.
Relatively social integration grows on coercion and is economically interdependent. With a variety of differences, multicultural society is difficult to get agreement on various things.
Therefore, to unite it there must be coercion in order to achieve social integration. In addition, these communities are economically interdependent due to their proximity to their groups.
The political dominance of one group over another group Multicultural society has different groups economically and politically. It is undeniable that there will be groups that dominate politics and naturally these groups usually impose their political policies for the benefit of their own groups.

Factors That Cause Multicultural Communities
Factors of Indonesian History. Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources, especially in terms of spices. So that many foreign countries want to colonize such as Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain and Japan.
Thus they stay for long periods of time and some even get married to the Indonesian people. This condition adds to the cultural and racial wealth in Indonesia.
Factors Influencing Foreign Culture. Globalization is an important process in spreading culture in the world community, especially Indonesia with its democratic system being an open country.
With this openness, the community easily accepts cultures that come from outside even though there is often a clash of foreign cultures with local cultures. The entry of foreign cultures is one of the factors that enrich culture and make people into multicultural societies.
Geographical Factors. Aside from that, a spice-rich country, Indonesia also has a strategic geographical location, which is between two continents and two oceans, so that Indonesia is made as an international trade channel.
Because as a trade route, many foreign countries come to Indonesia with trading destinations such as China, India, Arabic and European countries. This condition adds to the culture that enters Indonesia and the creation of a multicultural society.
Physical and geological factors. When viewed from the geological structure of Indonesia is located between three different plates, namely Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. This condition makes Indonesia an island island and has several geological types such as: Asiatic type, transitional type, and Australis type.
With islands, the life of each island varies according to the condition of the island. Communities on small islands will experience natural resource difficulties, and large islands have a lot of natural resources. This is what makes the culture of each island different.
Different Climate Factors In addition to having various islands in Indonesia that affect people's culture, the climate also greatly influences culture in Indonesia such as: people in mountainous regions with a cool climate form a friendly culture of the community. Whereas people who are on the beach which has a hot climate to form emotional control someone more easily angry.

Ethnic Diversity
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has enormous cultural wealth. The cause is the existence of hundreds of ethnic groups that live and develop in various places in the territory of Indonesia. We can imagine what would happen if each ethnic group had character, customs, language, customs, and so on.

Religious Diversity
The location of the archipelago in the cross position between two oceans and two continents clearly has an important influence on the emergence of a diversity of societies and cultures.
With the support of abundant natural resource potential, Indonesia is a target for shipping and world trade. Especially since interisland trading and shipping networks have been formed. The impact of interactions with other nations is the entry of various forms of religious and cultural influence.
In addition to conducting trading activities, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist merchants also carry and spread their religious teachings. Especially after Western nations also entered and involved in it.
Large religions also emerged and developed in Indonesia, with a number of different adherents. Harmony among religions is the dream of almost everyone, because no religion teaches hostility.